The new wonder Handmade Organic Super-Snack

The “Kale” case in question, near relative of wild cabbage, which can help strengthen the bones as it contains huge amounts of calcium, although it does not belong to dairy products, as well as being an excellent source of antioxidant and anticancer substances. Zero in calories, suitable for a healthy diet, while research constantly confirm the protection this miracle vegetable seems to offer to cancer and many other serious diseases. Celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow, swear to its beneficial properties while the “Bon Appétit” food magazine has pronounced it “the vegetable of the year”.

“Kale” comes into our country from the vegan collective “TrooFood Liberation” who served it to us in various versions of delicious chips, where sprouts dried after having bathed under a sauce with cashew nuts. The Chef of raw foods and simultaneously one of the “TrooFood”  owners, speaks exclusively to “Greecious” about Kale Chips and their beneficial properties for the human body.


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Danae Tsekoura, Chef of raw foods – Owner of “TrooFood”

“Kale” comes into our country from the vegan collective “TrooFood Liberation” who served it to us in various versions of delicious chips, where sprouts dried after having bathed under a sauce with cashew nuts. The Chef of raw foods and simultaneously one of the “TrooFood”  owners, speaks exclusively to “Greecious” about Kale Chips.

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