Haris Skarlakides: Author of the book “Holy Light”

A new perspective on the question of the historicity of the miracle of the Holy Light seems to begin with the book of Haris Skarlakides, entitled: “Holy Light. Forty-two historical testimonies (9th-16th century) “.

- How did you decide to write this book about the Holy Light?

I have been participating in the celebration of the Holy Light since 1998 almost every year. I have been present 18 times. For many years I watched as a viewer the "controversy" between the deniers and the supporters of the miracle. I was impressed by the fact that the people who denigrated or detract from this miracle had not participated in the ceremony, nor did they know what exactly every Great Sabbath is happening on the Tomb of Christ. So I wanted to restore this lack of information as well as the unfair defamation of the miracle, so I decided to gather in a book all the historical data and written testimonies of the people who participated in the ceremony covering a period of 13 centuries (from the 4th to the 16th century).

- This is the result of a laborious and long-term research that you have done, and it is also interesting to note that your studies do not relate to theology. Would you like to talk to us about it?

The book constitutes the first complete historical research done so far on the miracle of the Holy Light on a world scale. The research lasted for many years and it was necessary for me to travel to the largest libraries of the world (London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Munich, Oxford, Cairo, Istanbul, etc.) to study and collect rarely historical texts and manuscripts. The book contains 20 medieval manuscripts in several languages, even Arabic. As far as my studies are concerned, the fact that I am a graduate of the Architecture School of the Aristotle University, this is not as incoherent as this book. A historical thesis, and especially such a complex book containing 70 historical testimonies of people of different nationalities, is also a kind of architecture. The structure of the book resembles an architectural composition, and the approach to the matter is purely scientific.

- How did you see as a visitor the way and form the Holy Light appears?

When I first participated in the ceremony on Great Saturday of 1998, I was under the Calvary rock, inside the Temple of the Resurrection, about 40 meters from the Tomb of Christ (without any visual contact with the Tomb). The temple was overcrowded. There were about 8,000 people. The place where I stood was very dark and there was utter quietness. Suddenly some bluish outbursts, like small lightning, appeared in the air. At that moment the people shouted loudly. They heard hundreds of voices from different parts of the temple, from people who saw the bluish lightning. At the same time the candle of a woman who stood just in front of me, less than a meter away, lit itself. I immediately spread my hand and lit my candle. Dozens of other people did the same. Very quickly the Light spread almost all over the temple. I tried to cross the crowd in order to reach the Tomb of Christ. I wanted to see what is happening in the Tomb. When I approached, I was surprised that the patriarch had not yet come out of the Tomb. The Holy Light had already spread to most of the temple without the patriarch (who was late to leave because of illness). What I experienced on that Great Saturday of 1998 was in fact an unexpected threefold synchronicity: the bluish lightning that appeared in the air, the cries of the world and the ignition of a candle right in front of my eyes. Most importantly, however, these three events took place at the same time: within the same second!

- After the thorough research you have done, could you say without any doubt that we are really talking about a miracle?

My personal participation in the ceremony, as well as my many years of historical research, show that it is not just a miracle, but that we have before us the only event in world history that is "repeated" every year in the same place for about 15 centuries. When you experience a miracle just in front of your eyes, and in a multifaceted way, I do not think you have any room to challenge it. Some people believe that the Holy Light is a true miracle, others not. All views are respected. In my case, however, it is not a faith, but a knowledge. I do not think it's a miracle, but I know it. There is a difference between "I believe" and "I know".

- Your book has been translated into other languages. Did you expect it to have such a broad response from the world and not only in Greece but also abroad?

The book has been translated into eight other languages ​​and is available in more than thirty countries. Readers of the book abroad have somehow been surprised by this miracle because they had no knowledge of it. We must not forget that when referring to the Holy Light, we are basically referring to the Light that surrounded the Body of Christ at the time of His Resurrection. The presence of this Light on the Holy Sepulcher, without any interruption over the centuries, is a kind of verification and sealing of the Resurrection of Christ itself. I receive emails from people abroad of different nationalities who, although they do not belong to any religion, tell me that since this miracle from a historical point of view is true, so the Resurrection of Christ itself is true, and that is the cause of change much in their own worldview.

- Why do you think someone deserves to read this book?

This book is a journey in time and it is addressed to people who are interested in the original and raw historical knowledge and research. The 70 historical testimonies hosted in the book function as a time machine that travels to us at the scene of a miracle, which has transformed Jerusalem into a center of the world, even for a few days. In fact, we "see" the events unfolding through the eyes of 70 chronographers, whose testimonies form an impressive colorful mosaic that encompasses many historical surprises.

- What are your writing plans from now on?

A book about "John's Revelation" and the events described in it will follow. I think we are in the so-called end times of mankind and that our generation will experience the cosmistory events described in the book of "Revelation".

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